GUNNM (aka Battle Angel Alita) Winamp Skin by Eight, master of all that is redundant. Like my work? Drop me a line at info-is@in-file or check out my artwork/com
GUNNM (aka Battle Angel Alita) Winamp Skin
by Eight, master of all that is redundant.
Like my work? Drop me a line at info-is@in-file
or check out my artwork/comics at
Note: This skin looks cooler with the on-board visualization turned off.
The character 'Gally' is copyright by Yukito Kishiro
Do not rip, modify, or distribute this skin! I put lotsa work into it,
so leave it as it is and pass it around to everyone :)
Thanks for downloading Guinness Amp my tribute to the finest stout in the world
This is my second WinAmp Skin
Hope you like it
Skin Name: Pint o' Guinness
Author: Mike / LuciferLuthier / FunkyMunky
Email: info-is@in- ...
Green Neon Amp I .. Created by aMmOOooR
------------------ (28/07/99) -------------
Hello guys and gals.. How is it goin there??
I hope everything is just fine.
Anyway, this is the first time for me to make a Skin for Winamp. GOD!
It wa ...