80FOUR http://www.80four.co.uk for Winamp ________________________________________________________This skin was produced to promote my website: http://www.80four
80FOUR | http://www.80four.co.uk | for Winamp
This skin was produced to promote my website:
Visit it for more skins and graphics by me. I've had fun
making this one so enjoy (oh and its my first skin in two
years so go easy on me!)
This skin may not be listed on other websites without
prior permission.
March 2002 | IA | info-is@in-file
78C was skinned in February 2005 by R.D. Jones
This is second, and presumably last, in the 78 series.
Thanks to Maxim for the Region.txt generator, which I used on both
78 skins (I forgot to mention it in the first) and to Jellby for Skinners Atla ...
Skin created for www.490skateboards.com to accessorize the 2004 Spring website theme.
This skin was created by Jonathan Tenkely of Meniscusgraphics.com, please do not re-distribute this skin without permission from J ...