[=-Skin name: cb4 [see:before]
[=-Author: Daniel Jansson
[=-E-mail: info-is@in-file
[=-Homepage: http://www.dj-designs.com
[=-Note: Skin made for the german record
[=-label cb4. Made by request. Hope you
[=-guys at cb4 will like it, and the rest
[=-of you too!
[=-Visit http://www.cb4.de for great music!
[=-Point your browser to www.dj-designs.com
[=-to access my website.
[=------------------------=[Daniel Jansson]
Children Of Bodom Series III: Tokyo Warhearts
by Mario Portuguez
¿Ya completaste la Serie de Children Of Bodom?
Si la respuesta es no entonces ve a 1001winampskins.com y busca los otros 4 SKINS para c ...
Skin for Winamp 2,7
Drawed end Created by
Darren Kiwy
this is only my second skin, but I have a lot of progect!!
Is created whit paint and a lot of patience.
/ ...