MATRIX skin by Nini 1.1.Well the controls might be hard to find, but let me tell you, they are all there. So just look closer...BTW an experienced WA user should k
MATRIX skin by Nini 1.1.
Well the controls might be hard to find, but let me tell you, they are all there. So just look closer...BTW an experienced WA user should know where to find the play button ;-)
Only the real true (evil) matrix on this skin.
Added cursors (just to be complete - the real matrix has none, right?) and a useable winshade mode.
Lookin' best on a black desktop.
Contact me:
Thanx for downloading &
*************************** ;-) *******************************
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This skin was created by J-87
this is my best skin yet hope you enjoy :)
& guess what all made in one day
11:53 PM 4/4/2005
Just updated the titelbar and media library
3:45 PM 6/1/2006 I just updated the erro finally in the titlebar. ...