"Blank_DarkBlue" Version 1.3
Skin by: aperfectcircle_200414
Skin tested with Winamp v5.04
Copyright (c) aperfectcircle_200414
Contact info-is@in-file
1.3 -
- Fixed color errors
- all remaining errors fixed
- Text style changed
- Removed line from posbar
- Finished pledit
- Changed winshade mode items
- Removed some unnecessary files
(Some are still there)
1.2 -
- changed colors of skin from
prototype white to dark gray
- fixed some errors
- Fixed visualization
color (viscolor.txt)
1.1 -
- Completed all required files
1.0 -
- First version
Burning (the house down) - winamp skin by Candyzine - Tech13/Malform
Burning the House Down and all related logos and names are property of Buring
the House Down Copyright 2002 Burning the House Down