Tori Amos in black and whiteby Nini***************************************************a looks somehow naked, doesn't itso here's my skin info:* I love Tori's U
Tori Amos in black and white
by Nini
a looks somehow naked, doesn't it
so here's my skin info:
* I love Tori's Under the Pink (who doesn't?)
* so I thought I could make a skin of it
-past the mission behind the prison tower past the mission i once knew a hot girl past the mission they're closing every hour past the mission i smell the roses-
I "stole" the text from a skin called The Woodshop by The Only Lynx (with his permission of course). Thanx Lynx!!
Images are believed to be in the "public domain". If you are the owner of these images and wish that they are not used in this way, please e-mail me and I will remove the skin. Thank you.
for info on Tori check
***Version 3.0***
changes since V.1.0:
* you'll notice a border around the whole skin
* border around the song list in the playlist window
* easter egg bug fixed - look for yourself
* some other borders added (avs&Mb)
* buttons changed: playlist & main menu
* cursors added
* Tori Amos playing the piano-image added
* Minibrowser titlebar changed
* Windowshade & numbers changed & a few bugs
taken out
***Version 3.0***
* fonts changed
* blur
* mikroamp support
* animated eq bars
and a few more...
# Wanna mail me something?? because I love getting mail...
**Cotact: info-is@in-file (or
Tori Amos
-=Transcendence V3.0A Created By Enygma=-
Do you want a Winamp skin made for your clan??
Contact for more info...
Read the INFO.TXT for more info on this skin
-=MSN/Mail : info-is@in-file=-
-=ICQ ...
The Colour of Money --- by Jellby
(April 2002)
To install the included preset, open the .wsz file with winzip and extract the file 'TheColourOfMoney.avs' directly into your winamppluginsavs folder or in a subfolder.
To use the preset, just ri ...