````````````````````````````` Pioneer 3.0 ``````````````````````````````Here it is the most refined and best looking version yet! Version 2 was a hit but it lacke
````````````````````````````` Pioneer 3.0 ``````````````````````````````
Here it is the most refined and best looking
version yet! Version 2 was a hit but it lacked
the MikroAmp and refinement...
After creating "Pioneer-VS-ClassicAmp Remix" I
set out refining v2, and came up with v3. It
may look alot like v2, but the overall look is
much better...
Sorry! still no skin for DFX...
```````````````````````````` Skin Contents `````````````````````````````
* Main Control Amp
* Equilizer
* Playlist
* Minibrowser
* Advanced Visual Studio (AVS)
* MikroAmp skin
* Cursors
````````````````````````````` Skin Presets `````````````````````````````
For best viewing results use these presets:
1. Set Visualization to Spectrum Analyzer, refresh
rate @ 70 fps, Normal Style, Peaks ON and Thick
2. Viewed best at 800x600 and with True color.
`````````````````````````````` Skin Info ```````````````````````````````
1. This skin was designed using MS Paint & Adobe
Photoshop 5.
2. No skinning tools were used in designing this
3. This took 2 days to complete
4. This skin contains parts from other skins made
by myself.
Skin no.16
`````````````````````````````` Contact Me ``````````````````````````````
If you have questions or comments here are
my E-mail addresses:
If you like this skin and want to download
my other skins goto:
Durban,South Africa
````````````````````````````` Wobbles 2002 `````````````````````````````
"Optimism isn't some stupid glass half full/glass half empty debate. It needs to go deeper than that. It's an acceptance of the knowledge that no matter what happens, we as humans can deal with it, and even more, can learn from it.
If then "