by: schezo
started : may 13, 2001 (motha's day)
version1 : may 14, 2001 (national elections, yukk!)
version1.2 : may 16, 2001
toc : approx 3.5 hrs, whoa! that's fast!
First of all, I like the color blue! Especially dark blue,
and that's why I'm inspried to make this skin.
Secondly, I LOVE the title. "Strike A Pose!" HAHAHA!
I realized that the picture is tooo... serene, "OK!",
I said, I'll make 'em laugh by putting up this title.
And there it is. STRIKE A POSE EVERYONE! ^_^
added cursors
originality : 95% : of course! the only thing copied here
is the "text" file.
quality : 95% : ya!
usage : 95% : arsml? that's add, remove, sort, misc, list
ovrall.apprnce : 97% : fab!
total : 95.5%
white : ffffff
(rgb: 255.255.255)
sky : 90c7e8
(rgb: 144.199.232)
blu : 3974bb
(rgb: 57.116.187)
ff: Black Chancery
Fc: white
sz: 15
dthr: strong
color : sky
sz : 2 pixels
fx : outerglow (sky, screen, o75, b1, i600)
szs: 25, 17, 7
color : wyt
sz: 17
fx : outerglow (sky, norm, o75, b1, i300)
color : ..
sz : ..
fx : outerglow (blu, ..,)
sz : 7
0 0 0 0 EASTER EGGSTACY v1.1 0 0 0 0
This springy Easter gift comes to you from the skinners of Winamp's "Share Your Skin Love Forum" ( Needless to say, the skin is chock full of Easter egg surprises.
When a war ends...
betwen the dust and the mudd...
where the grass used to grow...
there only remains the blood of the fallen.
and while the land remains dirty of sin...
no seed will grow.
(¯(¯_¤ BloodSta ...