The red - blue cube - Skin for Winamp ~2.9Creator ****Bitronix****mailto ****info-is@in-file**** & ****info-is@in-file****Thank You! =#=#=#=#=
The red - blue cube - Skin for Winamp ~2.9
Creator ****Bitronix****
mailto ****info-is@in-file****
Thank You!
Bonus page...)))
The red - blue cube is rather unusual occurrence in the field of skins to Winamp. The red - blue cube is a bright combination red, dark blue, orange and green. The nearest summer, I hope, will be same bright and not overloaded. Strangely enough, it is my first skin which I have made for one day. It can to you has not liked, but I nevertheless hope, that you will copy it to yourselves. And on the end LISTEN to ELECTRONIC MUSIC!!!
;-) This smile...
Rebecca Romijn Winamp skin 1.0
made by M. G. Martina, The Netherlands
skins for the playlist & the equalizer will follow
enjoy ..
No copyright, feel free to modify (not ne ...