Under the skin -Pure Windows' bones under the skin (ver. 1.0, 8-4-99 GMT+9) by WillSubmitANiceSkin (info-is@in-file) Yes. O.K. It is just a plain Microsoft Window
Finished... For your enjoyment.. and I don't think I'm wrong.. If I ever had any doubt that my skin wasn't all that drop-dead-gorgious... Al my doubts would have been reduced to air.. I mean this skin took me a lot of time.. Think about transparency.. AN ...
Well Well
here is ultrakarma
this skin was the very first version on ultra-k
just before i change the colors. (you can get it on skinz.org or winamp.com)
just instal the dir as it is in the winamp skin directory
that's it .. enjoy :)
you can m ...