minibrowserHighway Amp. Version 1.1skinned by k_rock923(C) 2004Skinning time- You don't want to know (really)Programs- around a million: mspaint,microsoft im
Highway Amp. Version 1.1
skinned by k_rock923
(C) 2004
Skinning time- You don't want to know (really)
Programs- around a million: mspaint,
microsoft image composer, adobe illustrator,
notepad, microsoft gif animator,
GIF Movie gear, Icon Art
This skin is supposed to be based on street
signs and raodmaps and whatnot. Everything
is my own work except for a few parts. Namely
the snow, and grass textures. The sand texture
was derived from editing another sand texture.
Also, i found the images of the tree, the little
cars, and the orange cone. I didn't draw the
nuclear explosion either. All other elements have
been done myself.
Special thank you to everyone in the winamp forums
who helped me with this. You guys are the best!
Drop me an email at info-is@in-file
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrects
Thank you for your download!
I used very long time to make this skin,and think
it's better than my other ones.
I read ...
Hikari AMP v2.0 - by PARANOiA MMX (Lok Kin Yat, Kenny)
A quick update version. Background was decorated with light texture, colours were corrected,
Hikari's body rescanned, and some amendment on the borders and framework.
22nd January, 2001 - 01:41 ...