Name: PRAGMAMP v1.2 by GoldenSpider
Typ: Classical Winamp skin
Author: Bék Gerzson, Hungary
My target was creating a skin what is
ˇ very simple
ˇ practical (pragmatical)
ˇ uses big contrast for good visibility
ˇ blackguard
ˇ classic for quick startup and save memory
My tip:
Use the Tripex3 visualisation! Because it beautyful and practical. It uses low CPU, works quick, can handle playback and can display & edit lyrics. (I'm afraid, this isn't in, but I can send for you, just ask it of me: info-is@in-file)
Skin Name: Plain Chick
Author: ADBD
Version: 1
Why I made this skin?
*** I made this skin in three long afternoons when my girlfriend was out of town and so we couldn't ... talk. (What else do you do with your GF when you live in India and you're ...
- Name
PlayStation2 V2.0
- Release version
- Description
Made many improvements, changed the background to blue and added AVS-skin.
- Category
- My name
- My email address
info-is@in-file ...