Fright - By Kasper Mortensen Design and all files includedin this wsz-file are to be untouched
Fright - By Kasper Mortensen
The Design and all files included
in this wsz-file are to be untouched
and unedited. As property protected
by the international copyright laws
it is forbidden to copy, edit and
publish it without the agreement
of the owner. Charges will be made
against any violaters.
Have fun!
More like this at my website!
Winamp skin numero 2!!!
[Foss Amp]
A tribute to the sci-fi art of Chris Foss. If you are thinking "who is he?", well he has painted
covers for almost every sci-fi novel published. He also did some of the design work for the
movies "Alien", "Dune ...
````````````````````````````````` Fusion4 `````````````````````````````````
Guess who's back, its been a few months since I
released any new skins,but I have returned for one
For my last skin i wanted to create my own version
of the ...
Futerayn V1.0 for WinAmp 2.x
First of all, thanks for downloading my skin :).
Please also give comments (if possible) about the skin on the site you
downloaded it from. That way Iknow what to improve and what not.
Send ...