For Winamp 5 Classic Skin
Designer: Couchart
Author: GaretJax
Date: 8/21/2005
Desinger Site:
Author Email: info-is@in-file
Note 1: The skin will work with Winamp 2.91 However, does not include an AVS | MB for that version.
Note 2: The skin was originally designed by couchart and is considered a work of his, howeer I have
developed the skin for use in winamp and is considered an advanced skin due to its lack of labeling on some areas of the skin use it as such. The design did not include much of what is currently on the skin the following is a list of the original components:
a.) Main Window (Minus Animations | On Offs | Clutterbar | Textuals)
b.) Playlist Window (Minus Animations | On Offs)
Disclaimer: You may not duplicate any or part of this skin without the expressed permission of both the designer
and the author.
Cherry Poptart Amp
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If you are reading this then you took apart my skin. SHAME ON YOU! : )
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Version 1.0
December 2004
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[[]] - my art
[[]] - world class AVS presets
[[info-is@in-file]] ...