*********************************************************************B L U E S A C R E M 1.2**********************************************************************
Fully skinned, not very user friendly because very dark, but this isn't a skin you choose for its usability. It really looks like velvet and is one of the most stylish, elegant and refined skins I've seen.It will decorate your screen like an angel fish wo
*******B L U E S A C R E M 1.2*****************
Creator: The well known Skinmaker, Takezo
E-mail: info-is@in-file
What I fixed:
* I added the balance button , what i havent`t done before. Because i thought it makes no sence.But many people reminded me on that!
* I changed the playlist, it looks now much better!
* I also changed the look from the playlist when you strech it!
* I changed the buttons of the equalizer! Now it fits more together!
* And i changed little things like the look from the titelbar buttons or the sites from the playlist.Many little stuff!
If you have any questions or whatever then
please contact me under: info-is@in-file
Have fun with it!!!
b o o s t V I I I V 2 . 0
boost again... the winamp 2.0 version, made for
your winamp pleasure...
i also wanted to include some modified plugin,
either funkyfx or the good old speaker plug, but ...