..::THE DREAMING WINAMP SKIN::..The Dreaming is a band comprised of Christopher Hall (Stabbing Westward), Johnny Haro (Stabbing Westward, Ecoline Crush, Star 69),
The Dreaming is a band comprised of Christopher Hall (Stabbing Westward), Johnny Haro (Stabbing Westward, Ecoline Crush, Star 69), Diego Russo (Beautiful Losers, 40 Dogs), Jonathan Dyke (Blue Girl, Snake Oil).
Their music is amazing. Support them! Buy their EPs! Listen to their music and if you're lucky enough to live on the West Coast, for God's sake... GO SEE THEM LIVE!
More information about the band can be found here: http://www.thedreamingonline.com/
Live bootlegs of their music and other info can be found here: http://www.darkestdays.net/
The Dreaming's font can be found here: http://www.themeworld.com/cgi-bin/redir.pl/fonts/glue.zip
Photo of Christopher Hall taken by Zarie during a webcast screen capture - March 2004.
Skin created April, 2004 by Jacqueline Lynch (aka "Xxtayce")
My website: http://www.beguilingvisions.com
Email: info-is@in-file
Another skin for winamp....
I'don't feel very nice right now....
A girl told me something....
You know...
Something bad....
Girls!!! Hahaha....
Yeah! i know my skin isn't very good but.......I like it (?)
I tried.....
If you wan ...
Tainted Steel version 1
Copyright The Elusive Melon 2002.
This skin is freeware, distribute as you wish. If you want to put this
skin on a website, notify me and give me full credit to the skin.
Wildcore and Giotto for feedback.
Andrew M ...
The OFFICIAL Flat-Slopey Productions Winamp Skin
Version 2.0
Margh 06, 2005
Thanks for downloading my skin.
Version 2.0:
Video and gen windows added
Version 1.6:
NULLSOFT easter ...