.:AltairPresents,April2004:.------"KingsizE[al576full]" ByAltair------When order and equality are ready for a happy future,y
"KingsizE[al576full]" ByAltair
When order and equality are
ready for a happy future,
you can start chaos again,
you'll see, it'll be more funny,
if you ask "where is happy
future?", it's in your dreams
only and real life is really big
to control, not joking, big,
bigger, the biggest, ooh my god!
complete skin with all windows
[except avs.bmp and mb.bmp]
and without cursors
for winamp 5.x
use main mini and
eq mini together
made of red, grey
plastics and grey metal
..to be continued..
***KalaK Amplifier - Updated for winamp 2.9x***
I finally got around to update this skin to wa2.9 standards.
The skin has changed a bit from the original version (for the better if you ask me)
A few errors have been fixed also.
Enjoy! ;P
ra ...
made by faldesign.
Very much inspired by my own skin Iced. Much more freeform though. 2 versions, one with a blue gem and one with red.
Don't know why, just thought I wanted a red gem there ...