===================ACM_Amp===================Created by Sadko Djozoskin for Winamp 2.9x skin version: 1.0date completed: 22. 11. 03.Skin created in MS Paint.
Created by Sadko Djozo
skin for Winamp 2.9x
skin version: 1.0
date completed: 22. 11. 03.
Skin created in MS Paint.
Skin'ed Areas:
*Main Window*
You can send comments or questions to
or alternatly,
**[Aselyum by -| FrezoreR |-]**
Skinned: All
Parts to come: none..
To find more skins made by me check out:
To find the latest update on this skin visit site named above.
My first skin I seriously airbrushed, ...
> AC Milan >
Created by Sadko Djozo
Contact: info-is@in-file
WA 5 Classic Skin.
This is new version of my ACM_Amp skin.
Date Completed: 10/10/2004
Version: 2.0
>>>Forza Milan>>> ...
AMP INSIDER - my first skin release in the wild.
Tom Plantan
Sorry, I am in make-believe land with some comments. I am
just having fun, I am not truly insane.
What does the inside of a winamp ver ...