~~Skin Lovin' Christmas~~ ~~~~MERRY CHRISTMAS~~~~This skin is a collaborative effort from some of the skinners that frequent the 'Share Your Skin Love Forum' at
~~Skin Lovin' Christmas~~
This skin is a collaborative effort from some of the
skinners that frequent the 'Share Your Skin Love
Forum' at Winamp.com.
There are lot's of little surprises tucked inside,
and we hope you have as much fun using this
skin as we've had making it!
Many thanks go out to each skinner for the wonderful
designs they have created and contributed to the
making of this skin:
Main, Playpaus, EQmain, MB.html, Region.txt, and
MikroAMP - were created by:
Mr Jones, info-is@in-file -
"Remember, a Winamp is for life, not just for
Shufrep, Balance, Monoster, and the 'lightning bolt' -
were created by:
Cappy17, info-is@in-file
Cursors - were created by:
Ampburner, info-is@in-file
Cbuttons, Posbar, and Viscolor.txt - were created by:
Pukkaboy, info-is@in-file
Pledit and Pledit.txt - were created by:
Rikki - info-is@in-file
MiniBrowser - was created by:
Zorro, info-is@in-file -"My
inspiration was the motion picture 'National
Lampoon's Christmas Day'.
Merry Christmas to everybody out there!"
Titlebars, EQ titlebars, and MB.html - were created by:
Jayn, info-is@in-file
Eq_ex, and AVS - were created by:
Flatmatt, info-is@in-file
Text.bmp - was created by:
John M, info-is@in-file
Volume, vis area on EQ main, and our beloved skin
name were created by:
Chiquita Chad, info-is@in-file
Numbers.bmp - was created by:
Xerxes, info-is@in-file
Winamp5 modifications by Mr Jones!
~~Merry Christmas...from all of us...to all of you!~~
Merry Christmas
So you want a skin with areas that are simply put, transparent? Well, this is a highly tricky task. The file you need is called region.txt and the way to do it is a lot like playing connect-the-dots.
Region.txt provides a set of names such as Normal, W ...