-=March 18, 2001=-
This is Wooden Winamp, a Winamp skin by Crazy Carl.
Visit me at http://carlfoust.tripod.com
Email me at info-is@in-file
You may distribute this file by any method you like, as long as this readme and all other files are incl ...
Skin XP
Par Drip, pour winampfr.com
Eh ben, en voilà une belle skin ! J'en peux plus, j'en ai marre... Des dizaines d'heures de travail, quelques nuits presque blanches, des week-end remplis... Près d'un mois de boulot !
Mais quelle réussite ! J'en s ...
"Wired" version 1.0
21 August 2002
Created by Dimichan
Thanks to the people in the Skinlove forum!
Please no distribution or modification without express permission of the author, it makes it darn hard to update files you don't know exist!