for Winamp 2x,3x,5x
Created By : Thiru
Contact : info-is@in-file
I have seen many Skins,looking cool with many effects which made me create this skin.While creating this skin I realised that skin making is no easy job!!.
If anyone wants some suggestions and to indicate some improvement,I will gladly put out an updated.I also want to give some background designs of skins so that any one can do a good skin out of it,since i can't get some of the coordinates correct.If anyone wants the backgrounds for your skin please please tell me.You will get a great background cauze i'm well in designing and region i.e. transparent skin,but poor in fitting the winamp skin puzzle.If You want to modify this skin, please do with this readme file
Any other comments or requests send to: info-is@in-file
:: Bionica v2 classic green::
made for breed release #23
Color scheme of version one. The original skin is available at breedart and on my website.
DO NOT pass thi ...
A skin related to A Perfect Circle and an anime-style character of my own. Just in case you are wondering what kind of connection could exist between the drawing in the skin and APC, the answer is that the character was inspired by one of their songs.
Thanks for downloading this skin!
This is the second version of my MJIFC skin. The first version only had a good-looking main window. Now I also gave the p ...
Death By Degrees - Nina Williams
By Kuljeet Chauhan (7/2005)
Based on the game Death By Degrees by Namco, featuring Tekken's Nina Williams.
http://deathbydegrees.namco.co ...
:: Transparency 2.01a::
By Andrew Mackowski
This skin, in part or in whole, may not be sold or distributed without the Author's expressed written consent.
info-is@in-file ...
Skin Creado Por Ivan Palacios
wmp version 4.0
martes, 18, octubre, 2005
ver editada con todas las aplicaciones nesesarias
tiene todo con un diseņo dif ...
Sailor Mars AMP 2.0 (March 1, 2000)
NEW: -AVS Window
>>Finally! Number 4! Yay! OK, for those here who don't have any of my previous skins (or who ignored the readmes >. ...
Sepish - Skin For Winamp
version: 1.2 (06-02-2000)
author: Kauko Mikkonen alias KaMi
Thank you for downloading this skin.
Transparent skin for Winamp, I just wanted to know is it possible to make a round skin... Yes, but some parts will be miss ...