Sleek Skin for winamp
for Winamp
Created By : Thiru
Contact : info-is@in-file
This is my third skin that I officially published(the other two are Raw amp,Illusion)I think I've come far from those skins with this one.I've skinned most of the windows winamp has to offer.I got some Ideas from some of the old skins.And I'll be publishing more skins,I'm workin on 3 skins for now.I'll release them together.I've skinned the Enhancer plugin too If you want the skin extract it form the skin file,so you can slect the skin for enhancer...I've Included a avs file also.
I used Adobephotoshop,gimp,mspaint,Skinners atlas;to make this skin.
I've to thank winamp community for the tips and tricks,various guides and the most useful SKINNER'S ATLAS.
comments or requests are welcomed, send to: info-is@in-file
.spanstyle {
font-family:Arial bold;
var x,y
var step=15
var flag=0
var message="*****SLEEK*****"
var xpos=new Array()
for (i=0;i
_____// dom
Threedom WinAMP Skin
1. INSTALL Just move this ZIP file into
the SKIN subdirectory of WINAMP's ins ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
[FEB 13th 2002 - 23:30]
Dark Breeze v.2!!!
By: Filip "Tha_FLiP" Söderlund
No Spam or Ads or stuff like that!!!!!!
Thanx 4 downloading the Dark Breeze
this is my second skin and I think it became pretty cool... ...
Skin: IlliniAmp 2.9
Author: jjpotter
Hail to the Orange, Hail to the Blue
Hail Alma Mater, ever so True
We love no other, so let our motto be:
Victory, Illinois, Varsity
DATe: 10/20/2000
thanx for downloading my winamp skin. this is my second skin and i hope you people
like it. ive worked very hard on it so dont be stealing my skin. if you tried to
e-mail me before, i didnt receive it because i dont have ...
MPC 2000 amp
Release date: Mar 7 2003
Chris Marchese
Force of Habit Productions
This is one of my FAVORITE pieces of equipment.
Aside from the original AKAI MPC3000 v3.1, the MPC2000 v1.72
is one of the strongest pieces of outboard g ...
Gohan Amp2
by:Larry Tennison
Again, a new skin of Gohan. a
friend of mine told me that my
skins were a little less than
adiquite in the graphics dept.
When I told him that I had the
programs to make them better,
I jus ...
Actually, I havent seen any of the Orphen anime :) But I have heard the
music, and that seemed cool enough. There must be something good about it,
Orphen's face was plastered all over all the anime magazines for awhile there.