Sabre Wulf - The Winamp Years
(c) 2003 Jones
Final build 28.08.03
"Down and down I plunged, through Rocky Glades, Steep Ravines and Shady Hollows...No grip, no footholds, slipping, tumbling, spinning, darker and darker, deeper and deeper."
So began the intro. to Sabre Wulf, the seek and explore game for the ZX Spectrum, that was released sometime around 1984, this is my small tribute to it and all the fun fun fun it gave me as a impressionable teenager.
I guess all this has been brought on by me finding a new found romance with the game while playing it on my Gameboy in it's original form, it's still as much fun today as it ever was, and still as maddening as well.
I hope you enjoy this skin as much as I have building it, it brought back lots of memories, and who knows I might get around to making a full set , so look out for "Underwurlde" & "Knightlore", we won't mention "Pentagram" ;)
As per the original game, I've also hidden the golden amulet of ACG, which for reasons best known to Ultimate was actually blue, in the skin, see if you can get all four pieces on screen at the same time, it is possible if you look hard enough and have your Winamp windows positioned in a certain way...
All artwork used in this skin, is copyright of it's respective owners and is used here only out of respect and admiration of those copyright owners, but if you are the owner, and you do have a problem with this, then please let me know and I'll yank it right away, but before you do, remember it's fans like me etc etc etc ;) .
SabreWulf, SabreMan and all other images/characters/names displayed in this skin are copyright Rare Ltd.
Greetings and thanks in no particular order to...
Duk, Oh brother where art thou.
Cappy, keeper of the Duk.
WRWally, Jax slayer.
'Adder, never tell him anything.
ripe, a fellow speccy fan.
BG, back in the fold.
Bladez, den mother to us all.
Xerxes,No remix this time.
THEMike, Fucking Brit.
flatmatt, Homestar who?
Spoonman, a wavy intruder.
Anyone else who I've forgotten, meh...
"Sabremans adventures will continue in the UnderWurlde, maybe..."
"Nomad, you're rider so mysterious,
Nomad, You're the spirit that men fear in us,
Nomad, you're of the most desert sands,
No man's ever understood your genius"
>Released - W ...
***KalaK Amplifier - Updated for winamp 2.9x***
I finally got around to update this skin to wa2.9 standards.
The skin has changed a bit from the original version (for the better if you ask me)
A few errors have been fixed also.
Enjoy! ;P
ra ...
Keenwood KDC-2019 + x459 eXcelon
Have fun and enjoy as much as I enjoy skinning it.
"Keenwood KDC-2019 + x459 eXcelon" for winamp is based from pic ...
Sum of Parts by StillWater
This skin includes a skin for the Amarok plugin.
Thanks to everybody who commented/criticised it at the WA2-skins forum while it was in progress.
You can get all of my skins here:
http://www.1001winampskin ...
|** S T E E L E D**|
1.Contains skinz for :-
d.Mini Browser
e.Winamp AVS (Advanced Vis Studio)
2 ...