Skin By
Mr User
Bmp's done in PhotoShop
Icons done in IconForge
Warped thoughts provided by the voices in my head!!
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Released 3 Sept 00 (in my B'days)
* Bandung Indonesia *
I created this skin because i really like that's car
New Beetle is a wonderful car.
I truly hope you enjoy this skin.
author : Iswahyudi "idhuy" Hanafiah
Frankly, I don't know what to say about this version, everything, I repeat, EVERYTHING has changed, there is probably not a trace of stupid skinner left and this version is finished after hours of looking at a zoomed bmp :D.
Spec ...
Swizzle-Amp 1.0 for Winamp Classic
A skin based (in part) on my most recent website redesign, made mostly because I needed something new to look at. I actually finished it, so I figured I'd release it. As far as I can tell, it's bug-free.
Many thank ...
FleaMP winamp skin ver1.0
created by ardnac akar
email : info-is@in-file
29 June 2000
One of the Funkiest Bass Player on Earth
that joined one of the Greatest
Band on the Pl ...