Fish Bowl Amp
(c) 2000 Neil Harvey
Man was this ever a mistake LOL, this amp was one of those bright ideas,
that I should have left alone, anyhow once I started , just could'nt seem
to get it to finish, still not sure now if it's worth releasing, but
what the heck, let the people decide.
It started life as an experiment in transparancy, u did notice how the
main and EQ are transparent didnt you?, and from there kind of grew.
Version History,
Upgraded to WA2.9 specification.
Added new text, fixed titlebar bug, fixed MikroAMP
25th October 2000
Changed cursor theme, something easier to use, tweaked openers and closers
on main window,, added some decor to the tank !, watermarked the bitmaps.
24th October 2000
Posted on 4 star rated
I've been farting around so much with this that the dates, and times of
doing stuff have been lost LOL, so lets just say, a long time for little
result,mind u it does have amusing blinking fish, so thats summat I guess.
I tried to make this a little differnt, by introducing some animated
elements into it, rather than having static buttons and stuff, however
as we all know winamp is way limited in what you can do so the results
are somewhat hit and miss, still it makes me chuckle :)
"fucking hell this skin sux fish balls"
ADIDAS Classic Winamp Skin
Version 2
Author Eiledon
Email info-is@in-file
16/8/99 completed skin including playlist and minibrowser
May 2000 Added AVS skin
ps if you like this check out my other skins: ...
Well here you have it folks! I call this skin PESSIMIST...
It took me like 3 weeks to make, and it's not even very detailed :(
but it's the first skin i've ever made for winamp, so i hope you like it.....enjoy
This Skin Was Created By: Daniel
Aim: S ...
Original Skin Data for Winamp
Created by Hiropon
Date Mar.11.2002
Thanx for downloading this file.
This ZIP file is including:
creator: supex (and alittle bit matix)
date 2-06-01
finally my masterwork has completed. the silver suptix amp is finised
after 5 hours work its done.. a pretty good skin i must say. i hope he gets in the winamp eyecandy
that would be really cool
thi ...
Name of skin: Drexel University
version: 2.01
description: I changed the yellow background to grey and made the skin clearer.
category: Universiy Skins
Name: Hans Ertl
email: info-is@in-file
homepage: ...
"Nomad, you're rider so mysterious,
Nomad, You're the spirit that men fear in us,
Nomad, you're of the most desert sands,
No man's ever understood your genius"
>Released - W ...