Hey, here is the OFFICIAL SKIN I've made for my Website!!!
If you're reading it now, please check my site at http://come.to/myskins
and view ALL my skins!!
If you downloaded this skins from another website than mine, please mail me and tell me where you found the skin...
Mail: info-is@in-file
PLease mail me..
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
* b y $ t e v e n *
Skin was created for mp3now.com
If you have downloaded this skin
and looked at this readme, go to
GO NOW!!!!!!
hehe.... oh yeah, go there!
Skin for winamp v2.xx and 5.xx
Author: Jasterz!
eMail: info-is@in-file
Title: EVA UNIT-02
Date: 2.02.2004
Version: 0.3
This is my first attempt in creating a ...
"Twin Valves" Skin for Winamp
Version 1.0
It is "fully winamp skin", with main, ...
Thank you for downloading the Hong Kong Phooey
Winamp skin, brought to you by..
Neil Harvey
Legal stuff....
Hong Kong Phooey (1974) Hanna-Barbara Productions
----------------- ...
XBOX from Microsoft
Released April 10th 2001
*Bandung - Indonesia*
Hi all the skin collector, thank's for downloading this skin, and i hope you like and enjoy.
For the best quality, make sure you run in true-color
(24 or 32 bit) display with a re ...
First at all, thank you for download mi skin, I really apreciate it, it says that mi work is accepted.
Well, This skin is b ...