Skin: Lagrangiamp Dynamics
Author: jjpotter
Development Help: Skinlove Forum
-Support for Winamp 5
-Final grade is hidden in easteregg, for anonymity
-Semi-related sequel to Euclideamp Geometry
-Pencil and red pen on engineering paper
-Don't worry: you'll get a better score next time
MyMASH 02/27/04
by Gary Gordon info-is@in-file
Turn on Shuffle and Play URL:
For updates to this skin visit:
Compatible with Winamp ...
splat 2.0
Made by Brett Taylor a.k.a. jacksplat
aim: rsx156
-=*[UMD]*=- fear the turtle
8-8-01 ...
Skinner's Atlas 1.2.1
by Jellby
(June 2002)
August 2002
NOTE: This file seems to be too big to read it in the winamp skin browser (ALT+S), if you want to read it I suggest to ext ...
Phwoor, eh lads?
My first (and probably last, I'm a lazy bugger) winamp skin. It kind of started as a personal use thing but it turned out okay, so Ifigured I may as well see if I can get it posted. If you're reading this, it must have, so... yeah. Any ...