,StillWater Terminator 3 ,ClassicAmp4 0 ,Mohammed blue ,TI 83amp version one point one ,BlockAMP v100 ,2mp ,Utility Muffin Research Kitchen ,Perpenvertiagonal Planes1
Terminator 3 skin
version 1.21
by StillWater
Winner of a Terminator 3 Digital Art competition organised by Skinz.org in conjunction with Terminator3.com
I hope you like it.
The rest of my skins are here:
http://www.1001winampskins.com/memb ...
```````````````````````````` ClassicAmp 4.0 ```````````````````````````
Yes, this is the v4.0 of my most popular skins,i
recieved many good comments for v3.0, therefore
this version just had to be made!
This skin retains the display colors from ...
=== TI-83amp Version 1.1 by Panther 37 ===
I wanted this amp to look as close I could make it
to my TI-83 graphing calculator. Most of the amp
display is supposed to look like it is dot matrix. All
of the fonts come straight from the calculator.
Block(bits)AMP v100
Simple, bright and a bit boring, great huh?
I was tired getting all these messy skins,
shure they look good but can you use it properly?
Noo way, to mouch in once, but I do want to recommend a REALLY good looking skin that
-Perpenvertiagonal Planes
-by Colldawg101
-Do not distribute
My second winamp skin
There is a simple avs in the skin file. Put it in your avs folder!
> (version 1.1)
Winamp 2.x skin
By: Stephan Hoekstra aka AmpBurner (info-is@in-file)
Other skins by Ampburner:Smirnoff Vodka Power Amp 2000
Bacardi V1.0
The Idea of Snipeamp came from playing Unreal Tournament ...
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrects
Thank you for your download!
I used very long time to make this skin,and think
it's better than my other ones.
I read ...