Owlin skin for Winamp
Version: 1.00
Author: Andrea Gentili
E-mail: info-is@in-file
URL: http://www.andreagentili.it
Skin completed on August 29th, 2000 at 13.17 ...
ChromeAmp 1.03
By:Carl Bryant
Open the directory containing winamp.
Open the Skins-directory.
Put this zip-file in it or extract the contents to a new directory.
Open winamp and type ALT+S.
This will bring ...
Woah, his eyes are open! How.. odd :) Here is one of my favorite
characters from Slayers Next and Slayers Try. It's Xellos/Zeros!
I am really not sure how you should spell his name I see it
written both ways. At any rate, this mysterious guy is prett ...
Verte Chose
(c) 2001 Neil Harvey
Hmmmmm, so whats all this about then?, Oh I dunno,
just some crapola I've been dinking around with for
what seems like forever ...
# Id
eraser_grey version 0.0.6
# Info
This is sort of an ever evolving skin set ported to several apps in all sorts of colors.
Updated to provide support for Winamp 2.9. Now supports: Playlist Editor, Equalizer, Library, Minibrowser and Video ...
Skin: The Wall
Creator: jjpotter
Many thanks to: *db* and the people in the skin love forum
The font I specified for this skin is a freeware font called Floydian, and it is included in this skin file
Installing the fo ...