Rush - "Roll The Bones"
Created by Eric @ Power Windows.
For more Rush Skins for Winamp, and
other Rush PC enhancements, visit ...
Winamp Ithaki skin, version 5.
All components and shades skinned, all graphics improved and enhanced. Errors were corrected and more stuff was added. Transparency, animations, cursors, numerical sliders, eggs, MikroAmp skin, Ithaki5 even comes with a m ...
por L. Bluesummers
Esta skin la hice con una imagen de Rei y Asuka de Evangelion (como puede notarse. Sin que lo mencione), que me gusta mucho, y que me regaló la persona más importante para mí que es mi novia.
La barra reduc ...
The Resurrection of Kaiser Bobo
The resurrection of Kaiser Bobo skin for WinAmp
was created by the all-powerful and wise, Bobo,
the eternal god of Meat.
You can ...