to the one who knows feat. dark & daisuke from the
anime serise:DNANGEL
skined by:shadow of mercury
i haven't saw dnangel yet but i've read the story
on the net and it seemed very cool,i think that it has
aweird and alittel complicated story maybe cos i
haven't saw it but i know that i like it.
i've got the title from the bottom of the card i've
use for the skin and i thougt of it i saw that it
suits since i don't know any thing about dark&daisuke
so the skin is dedicated to those who are fans of
as for the pic i had to flip it so the vis area wont
cover darks face so don't worry ther is nothing
wrong with your PC :p
i hope you appreciate the work i've but in this skin
so plz don't change anything in it. you can distribute
it allover the net but plz say its mine and with this
if you have any commanets i'll be happy to know
enjoy and happy listing
emma badran
*** readme.txt for SURRENDERamp ***
Developed by: PHG
As you (might have) noticed this skin is made from the
cover of Chemical Brother's newest CD "Surrender".
All the colours used are taken from the CD-cover.
I know some of the f ...
a simple little skin by potatoe
Decided to make a skin that looked a bit more like I
wanted, and it came out alright (I think so at least).
questions, comments, criticisms?
info- ...
By: El*ArGeNtO
For Winamp 2.x 3.x And 5.x
A Dark Street Skinned For U, One adventured attempt...nothing more to say...I Don't Want To Explain how the windows must be displayed s ...
Goku Amp
by Larry Tennison
Well, onward with the DragonBall Z skins I present to you
Goku Amp. This is the 3rd of the dbz skins I have made,
and there are still more to come. To date, I have a Tru ...
Skin Name : ElectricAmp
Rev. Date : 22. April. 2000
Version : 1.01
Status : Complete
Author : XadraX Adra Darkar!
E-mail : info-is@in-file
site :
What's New : Mb window and smal ...