Dear Winamp user:
Thank you for Downloading BoeingAmp 2.0!
This is an new version of my first skin. Thank you for downloading it!
It is designed to look like the inside of the cockpit of a Boeing aircraft.
All the dials and nobs are authentic.
Please note that when in windowshade mode, I have designed my skin to
function as a unit, with the windowshade of the main window on top, the
windowshade of the EQ in the middle, and the windowshade of the playlist
on the bottom. The minibrowser is also skinned in this version.
The visualization plugin Nullsoft AVS has been skinned in this version of
BoeingAmp. Simply activate the plugin (available for download at and the window will be skinned. Please note: If you change
skins while the AVS window is open, the plugin will NOT display a different
This is the second Revamp of the BoeingAmp. It is called BoeingAmp 2.0
Some of the snazzy new things that you may record in your diary about
version 2.0 are:
-100% Nullsoft AVS Compatible (please see above)
-MacDonald Douglas Logo anti-aliased
-All of the buttons' actions (pressed) have been redone
-Authentic font on main skin
-Clutter-Bar skinned
-Playlist font
-Browser improved
-A lot of little things that I won't even mention because you'd be too
Things that were fixed in version 1.1:
-A better Playlist
-Better looking stereo-mono thing
-A few blemishes fixed on the equalizer
-A few blemishes fixed on the main skin
-A better visualizer on the EQ (the "BOEING" thing looks better)
-A better Repeat button, red for active, black for inactive
-The volume and balance controls look quite dizzy now
-Costomized Cursors! Hurrah!
If you like this skin, please share it with your friends.
If you hate this skin, please share it with your enemies.
Mark Germani
E-mail: info-is@in-file
Home Page:
Kirsten Dunst v1.0
This skin covers the Main Player, The Playlist, The Equalizer, The Video, The General Windows, (Media Library, etc) all windowsh ...
PanterA- 101 Proof Amp v1.0
Made for Winamp 2.x (Recommended)
Made By SĺZ
Email: info-is@in-file
Message to All,
This is one of my best skins..
This is dedicated to all the ...
Skin Name = CFv9 (aka Cold Fused)
Skin Verison = 7.0
Skin Author = Joe W. Garrett (aka "Garet Jax")
Author Email = info-is@in-file
Special Features:
All parts of this winamp skin are done.
Winamp Main - Skinned
Winamp Equal ...