1ª linha: background
2: letras canto esquerdo (links)
3: contorno
4: letras botoes inferiores
5: letras "search"e "0 itens"
6: linhas, divisórias
7: seleçao em playlists
8: botoes superiores
9: letras botoes superiores
10: contorno superior dos botoes superiores
11: contorno inferior dos botoes superiores
12: contorno inferior do contorno inferior dos botoes superiores
13: extensao da 1ª linha (background)
14: pontinhos dos botoes de setas
15: pontinhos dos botoes de setas
16: pontinhos dos botoes de setas quando pressionados
17: pontinhos dos botoes de setas quando pressionados
18: quadradinho no canto inferir direito (soh aparece quando a tela estica)
19: letra selecionado
20: seleçao
21: letra nao selecionada
22: nao selecionado
Finished in: Sunday, August 29, 2004 - Brazil
Made by: Rafaela (info-is@in-file)
Materials: Baseskin, Skinner, MS Paint, Microsoft PowerPoint
Featuring: Furiae from Drakengard
*Please do not distribute my skins on your website
without my permission.
...Not that I plan on turning anyone down
I just want to know where my skins are being distributed, okay?
Thanks for downloading this skin.
*Por favor não coloque meu skin no seu website sem a minha permissão.
...Não é por nada não, só quero saber pra onde meus skins estão sendo distribuidos, certo?
Obrigada por baixar essa máscara.
HISTORY OF SKIN: (well it's just a joke, so far this history is 14 days old)
ver. 1 (unreleased)
the idea came from a commercial seen on tv and...
a little bit too "flat", i couldn't post the skin because the ******.com server was
doin' something a ...
Alfa Plus
Created By : Ahmed Waqas Abid.
Thank You for using my skin.
I follow my home stereo deck to make this skin.I made this skin approximately in 20 days.I also made the "Matching Cursor" for it.Please check them if you disable them.I made ...
Calvin and Hobbes skin by StillWater
As with most skins, this looks better with "skinned font" and "skinned cursors" turned ON in the winamp options. And if you use windowblinds, make sure you put winamp.exe in the Windowblinds exclusion list.
Inclu ...
This skin is the works of Jono AKA basementman.
All images are (c) copyright so don't steal.
You may edit for PERSONAL use only.
MOre of my works @
enjoy it! ...
Construction Paper Beach
By flatmatt
Version 1.51
* * * * * * *
I made this for the summer skin contest Xerxes is running. Winamp hat! Winamp shi ...