Skin Name: Fanta
Skin Author: Shane Wang
Email: info-is@in-file
ICQ: 2819031
Info:Not too satisfied with the way this skin turned out. The end product turned out to be a lot different from what I had orginally planned. Had to make many adjustments along the way so everything would fit inside winamps borders. Anyway, enjoy the skin.
Note:do not copy or modify anything within this skin without my permission.
Otoņo version
by Valentin Sagraio
- Made for Winamp 2.x
- Tested on Winamp 2.62 (x86)
- 100% original.
- Made with Adobe
Photoshop 5.0
- Visualization recome ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
Sarahflower amp v1.4
update 1.4
added a skin for mikroamp.
This Winamp skin was made by Mr Tough Guy.
If you have any comments or suggestions about this or any of my other skins, mail me at:
If you like to see some of my ear ...
[FireBlade skin by -| FrezoreR |-]
Includes: All everything.. even 2.9x support.
All design is [c] FrezoreR.
And if you decide to use parts of my skin without asking for permission a minivan is shuved up your as.
Then screwed 480 degrees. =P
If ...
Skin Information
Name: The Greyest of Blue Skies
Version: 1.3
Description: Based on Finger Eleven's album cover for The Greyest of Blue Skies.
Completed: August 5th, 2001 (Updated the Readme.txt f ...