MP3 PLAYER Winamp Skin
Version 1.3
Copyright (C) 2000 Bevan Sharp
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Designed by: Bevan Sharp
Email Address: info-is@in-file
Mission: To design a graphically pleasing Winamp skin that not only looks cool to use, but is very easy to use.
Programs used: Notepad by Microsoft, Paint Shop Pro 5 by Jasc and Icon Edit Pro V6.0 by Hagen Wieshofer.
Influences: All those modern metalic walkmans, discmans, mobile phones and other metalic appliances. The green on black computer interface comonents were influenced by the old Apple II computers. You know the ones with the green and black monitors.
Summation: Where the present meets the past. A real modern skin with some real retro influences.
I live in BANGALORE(city), KARNATAKA(state), INDIA(country).
I have made the language in KANNADA where it is possible.
I would liketo promote KANNADA which is my MOTHER TOUNGE.
I have made a difference in the minimize,
W ...
_,.-*'^'*-.,_,.-*'| C R E E D A M P |'*-.,_,.-*'^'*-.,_
version 2.0
*Main Info*
Title : CreedAmp v2.0
Author : Stijn Oomen
NickName : The Only Lynx
Email Address : info-is@in-file
***ODD AMP 1.5***
To gear up for the imminent release of Munch's Oddysee, I decided to work on a new version of my Odd Amp skin for Win Amp. The new version is absolutely packed with detail and is taking a long time to finish, so ...
>>>Skin Info:Kaolla:<
(as mentioned above), but that was a necessity to honour her greatness.
.The best part of the skin (in my opinion) is the winshade EQ. The worst
world have to be the winshade Main Window, but I can't be bothered ...
Lord of Landmines
(c) 2003 Karl Kwasny (monaux)
This skin is the result of trying to combine vida's style with my own. It's basically my take on Energyamp. It must be noted that vida did not have anything to do with ...
*** Devil Ant [Act2 Encore]
*** Created By Raj.I/O
okay so here's the act2 encore; Devil Ant. Made for the contest. Gotta win. Eyes on the prize.
*** Raj.I/O can be reached at info-is@in-file ...