DMX AMP - skinned by brothaman2000
My 1st skin of DMX, this is for all the DMX fans ARF!ARF!ARF!
Name: X Amp
Release Version: v1.0 (1st release in GREENtrancetheme)
File format: BMP
To change skins you must have a version that is 2.0 or higher of WinAmp. From the main WinAmp Menu, or from the main skin, you can press ALT+S and a box will open up. Set the WinAmp Skin
Directory. Then select the directory that you download WinAmp skins to.
(This Skin comes within a folder, so you only need to download it to your WinAmp Skins directory)
- Make sure that the skin files are in a folder, and all files for that particular skin are within the folder. So your destination for a skin would be: c:program fileswinamp2.xskins
- Only folders within your WinAmp directory will show, so make sure you put all the skins inside the folder if they did not come with one.
This Was
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Name: Winamp Region Edition
Version: 3.00
Date Export: 30/01/2003
Date Upgrade: 26/03/2005
Copyright: Mr. Haitham AL-Hunayan
E-Mail: info-is@in-file
Description: Skin for Winamp 2.x
Informations: Full Quality Designed
Hope didn't forget any ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
Author : J. Wang
Date : 08/18/01
Contact: info-is@in-file
Copyright 2001 Wang Creations
A winamp 2.XX skin featuring Rosario Sanchez from Rush Hour 2
If you want to see more skin for winamp from this author see below
Restrict ...
_____// MM
WinAMP Skin
1. INSTALL Just move this ZIP file into
the SKIN subdirectory of WINAMP's installed fol ...
"Jaded" version 1.0
29 July 2002
Created by Dimichan
This file done specifically for 1001's file size requirements, so some of the bmps are 16 bit color, though I didn't see any degradation.
Thanks to the people in the Skinlove forum!
Pleas ...
By The Hifiman ! & The Hifigirl !
[In Bulgarian.....]
Този скин е 100% free !
Защото така ни харесва ! ;-Р
Linux rules !
Windows е боза !
Ама докато Бозата ни е по-лесна за работа, ша си праим скинчета за Windows-ки плеъри.