*** Devil Ant [Act2 Encore]
*** Created By Raj.I/O
okay so here's the act2 encore; Devil Ant. Made for the contest. Gotta win. Eyes on the prize.
*** Raj.I/O can be reached at info-is@in-file
Gabiamp v1.73 - 15/12/1999
Gabiamp it's a 2.2x Winamp skin, based on Aaron Miller's Ionamp. If you have
suggests, requests, bugs, etc., write me to info-is@in-file. Feel free to publish
this skin on a website, magazine, cd-rom, etc. Just don't modi ...
K'Nex Amp
For/Para Winamp 2.x 3.x And 5.x
By/Por: El*ArGeNtO
What can I say about this skin? As a child I used to love this toys (and i still love it) I started this skin a ...
::Hugi Official Skin (rmx)::
--=by SacRat=--
Hugi Official Skin was designed in order to promote international Hugi diskmag. Hugi is a diskmag (magazine, distributed as an application file, which contains text, graphics and music), ...
Hand Written by -Drew Brand®.
Hey Look! Winamp on paper!
It's supposed to look like its written in pencil. And look, even the teacher's marked it. She gave it an 'F+'. I hope you can give it a little better...
Updated for Winamp 5 Feb 2006 ...