This is my second skin of the EQ-series and I think you'll all agree this is far better than my first "Equilibrium". The way it should be set-up is to have the AVS on top of the Mini-Browser to the left of the usual set-up of Main,Equalizer and Playlist o ...
...::::: CYBER BOY ::::::...
Hi everyone this is my sixth skin for nullsoft winamp.
I like to say thank's to Nullsoft corporation for the most useful software in the World for music, and
the best visualization software A.V.S. ( My Favourite... ) ...
-by Colldawg (info-is@in-file)
-Do not distribute
-My first published skin.
-Everything from the main down to the mikro is skin.
-There's a simple AVS to go with it.
-Also there is also the font Bitsumishi that my skin needs. Install it ...
McNailz V1.2
v1.0: A skin for Winamp 2.x and above. A Quake based skin I designed for a mates clan just for something to do...still needs a lot of work so i may update it as time permits.
v1.1: completed skinning playlist
v1.2: skinned minibrowse ...