Ali Larter
visit my website: Comkillserve
Ali Larter skin v5.0
v5.0 updated for winamp 5
added 4 pixels in the genex.bmp
v2.9 updated for winamp 2.9,
added video and ...
[Abnormal Visions Armor]
It will protect You from
and don't modify images...
Don't forget about copying
readme :)
Thi ...
Metalamp v 2.00
My name is jone this is one of my well done skins
and I am were happy with it.
This skin were made the 19 august 1999 17:07
The skin got a original name but I couldnt find
any bett ...
MF Amp v 1.0____________________________
by : Muhammad Fajar______________________
This is my third skin. I Design this skin for you who like to unhide all Winamp window.
You can arrange the winamp window position like this ;
- main window in norma ...
UYC by drop
After too may hours hunched over my keyboard its finally complete. This was made entirely with Paint Shop Pro.
UYC is a hard core band from Canada with a somewhat of a fast punk style. go check them out at ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...