Alfa Plus
Created By : Ahmed Waqas Abid.
Thank You for using my skin.
I follow my home stereo deck to make this skin.I made this skin approximately in 20 days.I also made the "Matching Cursor" for it.Please check them if you disable them.I made ...
For Fenerbahce Turkey's best football team.
Version history:
V 1.03 Change on the buttons 04/27/2001
V 1.02 Lots of changes
(borders, buttons, volume bar, text...) 04/17/2001
V 1.01 A change on the main skin. 10/01/2000
MooAMP - skin for Winamp 2.0+
Version 2.6
What is MooAMP?
MooAMP is a skin for Nullsoft's Winamp 2.0 or later. It completely changes the original
style to a well made and useful cow style.
Installa ...
this skin is based around RabCza and NAD 0.93. By Rab and Tobias. you can reach them
at info-is@in-file and info-is@in-file
For Notes on the region-ing and transparancies See Region.txt Also says how to make the
close, WS and min. buttons not fl ...
** S-AMP 2.0 **
S-AMP 2.0 is just
like the green
1.0. I changed
a lot of the
buttons so that
they really
go "down" when
pressed. I also
corrected some bugs
in the windowshade
mode and changed
the number display.
The playlist's
buttons no ...
Biogradable 1.0
My personal best.....Enjoy!
Other X-caponius' skins for winamp2x
Red X 866 v2.0
X-manus v1.2
Chiller X v1.0
Protestor X v1.0
Alien[X]ated v1.3
Chiller X ltd v1.0
Qirex ...
Everything skinned. Includes MircoAMP skin.
looks best when Analyzer is on "fire style" and "think bands".