!!WA5 users: Select "Use Original Font" in the Classic skin settings before loading this skin for the best result.!!
shadowMRE Renaissance 1.0
MRE renaissance is based on my ShadowMore Skin from 2004. The most important differences are that this skin is slightly brighter and the buttons are easier to recognise now. This to enable less experienced users to use this skin. There have also been a couple of bug-fixes. Alltogether the changes are big enough to give the skin a new upload here. Enjoy
by: Tomek Kus
Cracow - Poland
This skin was inspired by Yamaha HI -Fi
-This skin was designed using only ...
HermesAMP v1.0
HermesAMP v1.0 @ 08.08.2002
>This is the HermesAMP. Based
in the Jamaican Futurama Character,
Bureaucrat Hermes Conrad. This
is an all green skin (like his suit),
and images of Hermes all around.
Put the ...
Red Monika Amp deja vu created by evildAve 10-99
#3 in the red monika/battle chasers series
character created by joe maduerira and is borrowed in homage, and is not intended as a rip off tactic.
to use this skin: place the .zip file into your winamp/ ...