STARAUDIO - 4 1/2 years in the making.
Tom Plantan
Believe it or not this was started 4 1/2 years ago. It was to be
the indiglo amp. But work and school, make for about 100+ hours
of occupied time. That does not include eating, sleep (if there
is time), going the the store for supplies, etc.
At the time no indiglo coloring was done, and possibly only the main
window was skinable (since all of the files were not in there, and some
were just different from the base skin). I have revamped it, tried to
skin everything (curs as well). It is all original, and done in
photoshop 5, and iconedit 7.02. Originally all the button had the
indiglo green, but it was very boring, so made them a cool blue.
The main window and the EQ are to resemble stereo components. The
Playlist is to resemble a big fancy touch screen remoto. The AWS, and
minibrowser are mocked as the playlist. The playlist kinda looks like
a Palm when make the appropriate size.
- All cursors are animated except for one. Guess which one.
Hint: X-Windows Kill Icon.
- This version has a segmented LCD look in mains big numbers. Future
versions, may just be normal.
- Easter egg in there too. nul(esc)l(esc)soft on main.
- Split suff buttons.
Don't flame me for the errors you do find. Errors known as of 19mar2003:
- AVS window does not have repeat tile, instead it stretches images.
- Playlist window - windowshade/restore button shift one pixel. This is
a winamp issue the base skin does it, but not as noticeable.
- Others: version 2 WA is too limiting, but like the simplicity.
->I-------Electronic Sky------------->I-----
Hi everyone this is my first animated skin for nullsoft winamp.
I like to say thank's to nullsoft corporation for the most useful softver in the world for music, and
the best visualization softver A.V.S. ...
::::[ Bend v3 ]::::
by SacRat, based on Bend v2 by the-joker
Changes from the original skin:
-the font is changed (edited)
-min/max/close buttons' for is changed
-balance/volume are updated (for example, balance has a stripe now)
-eq/pl buttons ...
Original Skin Data for Winamp
Created by masa
Date Dec.22.2000
Thanx for downloading this file.
This ZIP file is including:
By Diego Schneider
Finalmente terminei este skin...
Como a idéia deste era muito
parecida como a primeira versão
do ORACULO SPECTRUM eu resolvi dar
o mesmo nome.
This Skin was generated using SkinAmp. SkinAmp is freeware, so if you want to get it, just mail me!
My email: info-is@in-file
If you want to visit my homepage, please goto
There you can find the newest versions of ...
4/06/04 ::
*~ This Skin Is The Result Of Mixing 2 Of My Skins. Virtual Winter And Green Dimension.....It Was My Entry For The Guiolympics 2004.....
I Didnt Win Anything.....But It Was Fun To Participate :D......No Luck For Our Team....There Were Too M ...