About AtomFilms
AtomFilms is a leading next generation entertainment company focused on redefining the way entertainment is created, distributed, marketed and consumed. AtomFilms has the largest catalog of award-winning animation and live-action entertainment available. A loyal supporter of independent filmmakers and animators, AtomFilms has built a platform for artists seeking worldwide distribution. AtomFilms markets and distributes high-quality short form entertainment to more than 80 partners and to audiences worldwide, with significant presence on major Internet sites, broadband services, television, airlines, home-entertainment companies, as well as handheld and wireless devices. With a popular Web destination that is ranked among Media Metrix's top twenty entertainment sites, AtomFilms was recently honored with two Webby Awards in the Film and Broadband categories. The AtomFilms Web site also was cited as one of the top ten most trafficked movie-related sites by Entertainment Weekly, rated "Best of the Web" for online entertainment by U.S. News & World Report and selected as the Forbes Magazine favorite short film destination. An independent company founded in 1998, AtomFilms has offices in Seattle, Los Angeles, New York and London. More information about AtomFilms can be found on the Internet at http://www.atomfilms.com.
ATOM, ATOMFILMS, the ATOMFILMS logo, ATOMFILMS.COM are trademarks and service marks belonging to the Atom Corporation (the "Atom Marks"). Any unauthorized use of the Atom Marks is strictly prohibited.
About This Skin
"atom Films" was started on November, 24th, 2000, and completed on November, 24th, 2000, to December, 24, 2000, by Andre Reid.
This is my first commercial skin, and my most professional looking skin so far.
"atom FILMS" was manufactured in the U.S.A. by Andre Reid.
Check out the sponsor of this Skin at "www.atomFILMS.com", and "www.AngyrKid.com". Both of the above web sites are excellent it's worth your while to check them out.
Plugin: Powerp1.06-Oranje
This plugin was downloaded some time ago. This is a visualization plugin with gr3eat boxes. The colors are modified ("Orang-ified") to match the EURO-2000 skin that was made by me.
Since the EURO-2000 footbal competition an ...
___ MAJOR TOM ___
by Stephen Moss
version 2.6 REMIX: March 31, 2001
original release: November 20, 1999
MAJOR TOM is an homage to the US space program. It's derived from NASA's Apollo-era control consoles.
It ...
MPC 2000 amp
Release date: Mar 7 2003
Chris Marchese
Force of Habit Productions
This is one of my FAVORITE pieces of equipment.
Aside from the original AKAI MPC3000 v3.1, the MPC2000 v1.72
is one of the strongest pieces of outboard g ...
Skin: The Wall
Creator: jjpotter
Many thanks to: *db* and the people in the skin love forum
The font I specified for this skin is a freeware font called Floydian, and it is included in this skin file
Installing the fo ...
White Pony
This skin is made by John Slege ...