This Skin was done by Richard Spindler
The name of the skin: Christina Ricci by oracle2025
Release version of the skin: 1.1
A short description of the skin: This skin is ought to honour Christina
Ricci for the things she's done for me
and all other Fans, the Films she acted
in, the Lifestyle she expresses and for
giving me another reason to live.
The category that best fits my skin: Celebrity
My name: Richard Spindler
My email address: info-is@in-file
URL of my homepage:
Green Neon Amp I .. Created by aMmOOooR
------------------ (28/07/99) -------------
Hello guys and gals.. How is it goin there??
I hope everything is just fine.
Anyway, this is the first time for me to make a Skin for Winamp. GOD!
It wa ...
Hi, this is my first skin. It's not very nice, but it's my first one. Why Xpectation?
Because I've Xpected from that something new. Maybe you don't like it - 'cause
it's really - REALLY quite ugly. But I belive the next one (Tractor) will be better.
< Deus Ex Amp >
Copyright 2002 by Crocodile Dumbdee [Andrew ('AJ') Ashton]
Original Release: March 11, 2002
Created for: Winamp 2.x
Version: 1.0.0
Last Update: none
1) Copyr ...
*** For English please scroll down ***
BEŞİKTAŞ JK Winamp 2.9x Skin
İlk Versiyon : 26 Mayıs 2003
İkinci Versiyon : 11 Ağustos 2003
Güncelleme :
Iron Chef
Skin Reviewer
Registered: Nov 2000
From: Strong Badia
Posts: 2907
(Yes, that's the title)
Winamp forums. I live there, so why not make a skin for them?
Just to prove I can still make game skins better than anyone else :p
Even if this isn't my best work, it's good practice.
-LuigiHann(at hotmail dot com)
For old-school side-scrolling action, arrange the windows horizontally, a la Main-EQ-Playlist-o ...