:: Bionica v1 ::
made for breed release #18
This is my first skin for breed. Color variations are available on my website.
DO NOT pass this skin as your work
DO NOT use elements of my skins for your own projects
DO NOT publish it without my permission
You may edit this skin for PERSONAL USE ONLY
07:58 7/11/02
A skin related to A Perfect Circle and an anime-style character of my own. Just in case you are wondering what kind of connection could exist between the drawing in the skin and APC, the answer is that the character was inspired by one of their songs.
Ballzzz minimal v 1.0.0 by SacRat
Ballzzz by Taras Brizitsky (AKA SacRat): info-is@in-file
Original idea belongs to Artem Brizitsky (AKA Virus)
Suggestions and bugreports are welcome.
http://sacrat.d ...
"The Tony Hawk Amp"
fanart/skin, 06/2003
by e-blackadder (info-is@in-file or info-is@in-file)
The TH amp is dedicated to two guys. Firstly to my son, who is the biggest Tony Hawk ...
WinJay Beta 1 Skin created by "DJ PAPPAN" (M-M)
If You want to tell me something about the Skin or
You need help to make a Skin,
send me an E-mail to:
(In the next version will be included the animated cursors)
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