Por Verónica Mogni
Comentarios? Sugerencias? info-is@in-file
Septiembre 2002
Buenos Aires - Argentina
Incluye un AVS:
Renombrar AbismoAmp.wsz a AbismoAmo.zip
Extraer *.AVS ...
*** K.S.K.amp v3.1.1 *** (Black Pearl)
This skin is dedicated to our noble fans of our noble team,Karþýyaka.
It is NEITHER prohibited NOR illegal to use bitmaps or cursors of this skin in any case.Use it as if it were yours.
-Skin ...
Liquid Crystal Amp v2.0, Winamp 2.76 Skin. Created by Ground Zero.
To enjoy this skin, move The ZIP file (Liquid Crystal Amp v2.0.wsz) into your
skins directory (...C:Program Fileswinampskin,for example).
Enjoy it!
_,.-*'^'*-.,_,.-*'| C R E E D A M P |'*-.,_,.-*'^'*-.,_
version 2.0
*Main Info*
Title : CreedAmp v2.0
Author : Stijn Oomen
NickName : The Only Lynx
Email Address : info-is@in-file
```````````````````````````` Remix 2.0 SE ```````````````````````````````
This is another version of Remix2, the first version
had quite odd colors and so for those who didn't like
it, I created a red-white version.
I updated the surrounding gray ...