A.I. amp
David is 11 years old.
He weighs 60 pounds.
He is 4 feet, 6 inches tall.
He has brown hair.
His love is real .
But he is not.
A.I. Artificial Intelligence
a Steven Spielburg film
This skin is about the upcoming steven spielburg film A.I.
which features the acting talent of Haley Joel Osment (the sixth sense)
and Jude law (the talented Mr ripley).
for more info about this film go to:
v1.1 changes
fixed a minor mistake on the Mini browser,
changed the Equalizerbars, minor change on the shuffrep, and
changed the font on the volumebar to match the rest of the skin.
This Winamp skin was made by Mr Tough Guy,
I have made several Winamp Skins before.
Some of my earlier creations can be found at my website:
or at the official winamp website:
If you like this Winampskin and would like to put it on your website,
please feel free to do so as long as you give me credit for making it.
If you have any comments about this or any of my other skins, mail me at:
Mr Tough Guy
***KalaK Amplifier - Updated for winamp 2.9x***
I finally got around to update this skin to wa2.9 standards.
The skin has changed a bit from the original version (for the better if you ask me)
A few errors have been fixed also.
Enjoy! ;P
ra ...
Skin Name = Millenium Ice Fusion (v5)
Skin Verison = 1.0
Skin Author = Joe W. Garrett (aka "Garet Jax")
Author Email = info-is@in-file
Special Features:
All parts of this winamp skin are done.
Winamp Main - Skinned
Winamp E ...
Golden Sound 1.0
released 30 oct 00
"Bandung Indonesia"
"I create this skin is look like the semi digital Stereo set"
skinmaster : iswahyudi"idhuy"hanafiah
URL : http//www.skins-n-themes.com/authors/idhuy.htm
e-mail : info-is@in-file ...
December 2001
Intrude v1.0
By Mike McKimm -=[ PeaceMaker ]=-
Hey! I hope you enjoy this skin as much as I do. It took a bit of effort but I think it all paid off. Something original I hope, nothing too metalic based, because thats all been done bef ...