Underwater Sunbursting
Author: DeathKore AntiKrizt
e-Mail: info-is@in-file
Website: http://www.sweet.hell.as
I started 26th May 2001 and completed the skin 27th May 2001
Last Updated : 9th June 2001
Please report bugs and other stuff.
*** history ***
* 9th June 2001 - The Equalizer's "Toggle Windowshade Mode"-button were glowing when Windowshode Mode were on and the window weren't active.
* 5th June 2001 - I just found a bug in the Volume Bar... And fixed it of course.
* 28th May 2001 - Fixed the colors on minimize-, toggle windowshade- & closebuttons.
Deleted the Region.TXT-file since i didn't used it.
Added some more light to the PlayList and my name (DkAk) & changed some colors here and there.
* 27th May 2001 - Panningbar bug fixed. (I might have released the skin too soon *hehe*)
All parts and resources of "Mystik II" were made by Alex Luu (aka Dawg4Life2K1).
Feel free to distribute the skin as much as possible, but only under my name, changes
can be made but not resubmitted as a "new" skin, and all rips are strictly prohibit ...
Thanks for downloading Cold-Pak. I hope you enjoy it.
This skin supports the new windows in Winamp2.9
To see my other Winamp skins visit my website at:
STARAUDIO.v29 - 4 7/12 years in the making.
Believe it or not this was started 4 1/2 years ago. It was to be the
indiglo amp. But time was hard to find. I just needed a round TU-IT.
At the time no indiglo coloring was done, and possibly only the ...
Skin created by BlueBalls with written permission by the wonderful
people at http://www.breedart.org
Skin is made as a Tribute to breedart.org, I am not a member.
If you would like to use a portion of this skin for your own skins or whatever...
A ...
you are going to install Eye on Springfield 7.2
be enjoy with it!
; Created by Jebbediah
PointList=13,0,13,1,12,1,12,2,11,2,11,3,7,3,7,4,6,4,6,5,5,5,5,9,6,9,6,10,7,9,7,11,5,11,5,12,4,12,4,13,3,13,3,15,4,15,4 ...
Author: Jean-Paul Larrivee
Created: July 21/2003
E-Mail: info-is@in-file
Homepage: http://www31.brinkster.com/stargazer3
Description: This is an attempt to make a 3D looking skin.Hope youi like it.
If you have ...