Underwater Sunbursting
Author: DeathKore AntiKrizt
e-Mail: info-is@in-file
Website: http://www.sweet.hell.as
I started 26th May 2001 and completed the skin 27th May 2001
Last Updated : 9th June 2001
Please report bugs and other stuff.
*** history ***
* 9th June 2001 - The Equalizer's "Toggle Windowshade Mode"-button were glowing when Windowshode Mode were on and the window weren't active.
* 5th June 2001 - I just found a bug in the Volume Bar... And fixed it of course.
* 28th May 2001 - Fixed the colors on minimize-, toggle windowshade- & closebuttons.
Deleted the Region.TXT-file since i didn't used it.
Added some more light to the PlayList and my name (DkAk) & changed some colors here and there.
* 27th May 2001 - Panningbar bug fixed. (I might have released the skin too soon *hehe*)
ReadMe.txt file for Akh'Faer V1.0
Thanks for downloading my skin :).
Trying to get back to skinning more often.
For the people who are asking themselves,
why a WA2.x and not a 3.x skin, it is because I was
wor ...
Tasuki - Rekka Shinen!
Yeah, yeah we know the romaji is wrong on the skin itself... sigh..
just didn't want to do it all over again. Anyway, it's our favorite
character from Fushigi Yuugi, Genrou-chan! ^-^ He needs more skins
of him out there.
S ...