by MsbS
This is my 4th skin, not very
sophisticated, but I quite like it.
Everything is skinned (well, unless
there's a new Winamp-feature with
undocumented windows or something).
Now it's probably time to learn
the transparency ...
Sarahflower amp v1.4
update 1.4
added a skin for mikroamp.
This Winamp skin was made by Mr Tough Guy.
If you have any comments or suggestions about this or any of my other skins, mail me at:
If you like to see some of my ear ...
IriaAmp v2.1
Cool hair, cool armor, and a kick-butt gun. What more can you ask for
in a bounty hunter? The stunning Iria from the anime IRIA: Zeiram
The Animation graces the face of this skin.
Now Winamp 2.0+ compatible! Customized Playlist and Eq ...
Released Oct 6th - 2001
*Bandung - Indonesia*
Hi all the skin collector, thank you for downloading and using this skin.
Make sure You run on a true color (24 or 32 bit) display with a resolution
at (min) 1024-768 for the best result.