I really love Please Save My Earth!
The anime is so beautiful, and the music is great! The manga is even
better! Here is a skin of Mokuren, one of the observers on the moon!
iTunes 6 Winamp
Based on Apple iTunes 6 for Windows
Skin by TC Falcon
Version 2.0
November 1, 2005
Version History:
2.0 November 1, 2005 (iTunes 6 Winamp)
1.02 June 9, 2004 (iTunes 4 Winamp)
1.01 December 20, 2003 ( ...
a superinteligent shade of the color blue
What's this you say? It's not blue?
The previous version was blue. It also had cracks.
People complained about the cracks so I removed them.
But I wanted to make sure people had something to cop ...
* L e v e l 8 I s o l a *
Created by $teven - Feb 1999
wilee.@ix.netcom.com ...
Lara Croft WinAmp Skin v1.0
Lara Croft Winamp skin (version 1.0) created by Yeo.
This is my first attempt at creating a Winamp skin and I must admit
it took me a LOT of my time, but it's fun!
Any comments(good or bad ...
made by moocker.
This is my 1st metalic skin- so it's not perfect, but I'm working on it. If you have some sugestions, or just want to say, taht I'm a genius :)- mail me at info-is@in-file.
http://republika.pl/moocker ...
..::Lunarscape::.. Winamp Skin version 1.2
by Wikanes T. 17-12-2001
Contact: info-is@in-file
Hope you like it.
Please let me know your thought.
version 1.2 --> re-build almost all playlis ...